Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

CIRB-Collège de France

Jonathan Touboul is leading the team “Mathematical Neuroscience Laboratory” in the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology of the Collège de France. Several collaborations have been initiated, a postdoc has been recruited, student scholarships have been provided and 3 PhD students have started their research in the laboratory (J. Scher, C. Quininao and L. C. García del Molino).

DIGITEO and Cancéropôle IdF

The DIGITEO IdF LSC ALMA and ALMA2 programs, coordinated by C. Bonnet (DISCO team, Inria Saclay IdF) studies a model of leukaemia based on previous works by M. Adimy and F. Crauste (Lyon), with theoretical model design adjustments and analysis in J. L. Avila Alonso's Ph D thesis (supervised by C. Bonnet, S. Niculescu and J. Clairambault) and experimental parameter identification initiated by F. Merhi, Bang postdoc (Dec. 2010-Nov. 2011), then continued by A. Ballesta (Sep. 2011-Feb. 2013), Bang postdoc detached at INSERM, working at St. Antoine Hospital (Paris), under the supervision of J. Clairambault and C. Bonnet to link experimental and theoretical aspects and of J.-P. Marie and RP. Tang (INSERM-UPMC) to supervise biological experiments on leukaemic cells. ALMA has been granted for 3 years, beginning in December 2010.

A. Ballesta's postdoc at St. Antoine Hospital, granted by Cancéropôle IdF ALMA2 has led to increased collaboration of the same with the Commands Inria team (F. Bonnans, X. Dupuis, Saclay) with the aim to design optimisation procedures for anti-leukaemic therapies by cytosine arabinoside and by an anti-Flt3 targeted agent (see above “Optimisation of cancer chemotherapy”).


Collaboration with INRA (Isabelle Hue, Juhui Wang, Alain Trubuil) on Trophoblast development. One PhD student position in Bang has been funded within the Doctoral School Ecole du Vivant, Paris for Chadha Chettaoui), who has defended her thesis in July 2012.